Published on December 16, 2003 By LaurieLee In Misc
I may be dating myself here (not in the physical sense), but has anyone else ever subscribed to Sweet Pickles as a child? Did you beg your mothers for these dumb ass books? Has anyone ever waited for the orange bird to show up in a green bus with all his fuzzy friends? Well, he was supposed to bring books for you to read since reading is fundamental. (I really did not care about that part. ) Anyhow it was false advertisement to say the least. The books came by mail and not directly from Sweet Pickles. I really wanted a big-beaked bird who likes pickles to deliver my books. I always thought we would read together and eat pickles.

I realized something today, it may have been over 20 years ago but I am still waiting for that bus. Maybe that is why I do not like reading all that much. I realized that the bird, the bus, the fuzzy friends, they do not really exist. It was all a trick to try to get me to read.

Well anyhow, I subscribed to Lifetime magazine today. You know, the television station Lifetime. Well, I thought it would be cool if Merideth Baxter Bernie showed up in a Lifetime bus to deliver my Lifetime magazines. Maybe she likes pickles too.
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