What is in a name?
Published on November 17, 2003 By LaurieLee In Welcome

I recently located to Los Angeles and I realized a few things...

I am the only person without a blog. I used to think this was a good thing when I though a blog was a scarey monster. I since realized what a blog is (sort of) so I though to myself, "I must have one." It is not a 400 pound six armed hairy mammal that wants to suck off your limbs and eat your head. I still do not know how it got its name or if it is an acronym. I do not think it is an acronym because it would be capitalized, but if it is one I don't know what it stands for. I got the log part. So, it is a log, I write things in the log. But what does the B stand for? A beautiful log? Well , that is not the case here cause I don't know how beautiful it will be. May it should be a Rlog, cause its Real.. Like me.
Like the way I like to keep it.
Anyhow, I shall start by filling you in on this movie I saw this weekend that i fancied very much. I was browsing through a new video store. Well, it wasn't new but it was new to me. (Therefore, it was new.) Amongst the dusty boring old foreign rubbish, one video called out to me in big white letters "Louder Than Bombs." It caught my eye because of the Smiths album "Louder Than Bombs" which I love. Anyway, the movie is filmed in Poland with English subtitles. It is about this amazingly cute Polish couple and their trying times. The guy, main character, is a auto mechanic who is obsessed with the Smiths and James Dean. His cute girlfriend feels like she had to leave him cause he is loser and her mother dislikes him and wants her to go to college in Chicago. They end up staying together and in like most foreign films, they "do it" alot. The guy in the movie has a father who dies and some very eccentric characters pop up for the funeral in the middle of the movie to cause trouble and shake things up.
Anyway, I liked this film. Strange thing though, none of the music is that of the Smiths. So, so, many references to them though and to James Dean. If I were going to make a film it would be one like this. Well, except it wouldn't be foreign. Not to us in the U.S. anyway. And I would be in it of course.
on Nov 17, 2003
Actually sounds like a fun movie...hard to find people who like oddball movies so i'll definately check back. I'm usually the guy at the video store who passes by all the "garunteed in stock" movies and looks for indie films.

web log = weBLOG = BLOG

(and most mammals would *bite* your limbs off not suck them off!)
on Dec 12, 2003
oh well...someone got in b4 me wif the meaning of a blog...

does that mean jeremy, you know the meaning of life too?