Cat Lovers or Cat People
Published on November 21, 2003 By LaurieLee In Pets & Nature

I realized something weird today. A couple offices down from mine there is a cat woman. She is completely obsessed with these stary cats. When I started working at my office four months ago there were two strays which became ten which later became twenty. Anyway, every morning at 8 am her car pulls up and those cats are on that shit like white on rice. They sleep in and around her car all day long. .She leaves the damn window open so the cats can hang out in her car if they want. They won't go near anyone else or their automobiles. Hey! Where's the love?

The thing is, I have never seen anyone so happy as she is while she is feeding these animals. He hums and/or sings while feeding the 20 strays. Don't get me wrong, I know she is doing a good thing and all, it just seems weird sometimes. Maybe I AM JUST JEALOUS THAT THE CATS DO NOT LIKE ME. Yea, I think that's it.

The cats outnumber the humans that work in the building by far. I picture cats wearing ties and taking over our jobs. I picture a cat at my desk and driving my car. They are everywhere. I mean everywhere.

I think there is a difference between cat lovers and "cat people". I think cat people are way more extreme.

Maybe she has mind control over the critters. Who knows. I have decided that is what I want. I just want the damn cats to like me too. Is that so wrong?
on Nov 21, 2003
She's simply demonstrating the fact that cats love conditionally (unlike dogs, who love unconditionally). She is giving the cats something..... the cats will reward her for that with their attention. If she stops feeding them, they'll ignore her faster that the Emmy's have ignored Susan Lucci.

on Nov 21, 2003
I'm a dog person myself. I'm not a fanatic, matter of fact, I haven't even owned one as an adult but grew up having dogs all my life. I love dogs. Like MsShrink said, cats are conditional. They make no qualms about the fact that you are to serve them and they will do as they please. Dogs just love you. Some will practically crawl out of their skin to be with you.

I don't hate cats or anything. If you long to be liked, get a dog.
on Jan 05, 2004
Cats choose who they like sometimes because you feed them other times because you ignore them completely. I think you're right about cat people and cat lovers--there is a difference.