LaurieLee's Articles In Movies & TV & Books
December 16, 2003 by LaurieLee
When I was in grammer school I saw this move/ some Japanese short story/ It was hands down the coolest thing I have ever seen. There is this Japanese married couple. It took place so long ago that in the area they were in there were no mirrors. Since they did not know about mirrors this one couple had this misunderstanding when one finally surfaced. The man found a jewlery box with a small mirror in it. He became very obsessed with the box and looking in the mirror. He would spend most of hi...
November 19, 2003 by LaurieLee
Let me stary by saying I love the Lifetime Network. Their slogan "Television for Women" is completely false though. I think it is the station for women to get men into watching t.v.with them. It is the station for women to prove that emo movies are good movies. It is the station for women to demand control of the televison. Who they hell needs to watch grown sweaty men fight over a ball anyway? Is that still considered manly? The men that I have made watch this station, when they quie...